有一类“说词”常见于小学生作文或是外交家的辞令,有如“……就像保卫我们的眼睛一样”云云。古人说的“五脏六腑之精气上注重于目”,也大体相当现在夸奖人时常说的“精气神”。其实,做为“心之使”的眼睛的重要性,是用不着笔者多费口舌的。不过,在现实生活中确实存在着一些奇怪的现象,比如,越是特别重要的事情,越是会忽略了对它们的注重和关爱就是一例。这样,我们在这里提醒读者朋友,对自己和身边人们的“明视万物”的“神明之府”——眼睛的关心就不是多余的了。 近日常看一部展示自然与社会现象的电视片。其中有一集的解说词说得好:“当我们看到入迷的东西时,眼睛的放射肌肉会放松,瞳孔就会放大——打开眼
There is a class of “rhetoric” commonly used in pupil essay or diplomat’s rhetoric like “... just like defending our eyes.” The ancients said “the essence of internal organs on the focus on the project”, but also generally quite now praise people often say “the essence of God.” In fact, as the “heart of” the importance of the eyes, do not need the author to spend more time talking. However, there are indeed some strange phenomena in real life. For example, the more important thing is the more overlooked the emphasis on and care for them is an example. In this way, we remind our friends here that eye care is not superfluous to the “house of the gods” of “all things in the world” of ourselves and people around us. I often watch a television show that shows the phenomena of nature and society. One episode of the commentary put it well: "When we see something fascinated, the radial muscles of the eye relax and the pupil is enlarged - opening the eye