本文所述的冠状动脉痉挛(CAS)性急性心肌梗塞(AMI)是指在正常冠状动脉(冠脉)或无明显冠脉粥样硬化固定性狭窄的基础上因CAS直接引发的AMI,它已引起人们的重视,但CAS发作突然,不可预测,CAS与AMI的关系很难在临床或病理证明,诊断比较困难。因此,临床报道很少见,在此就CAS的病因及其所致的AMI作一临床综述。1 CAS的概述 CAS是指各种原因引起的心外膜下冠脉平滑肌一过性收缩,使冠脉腔狭窄,心肌供血突然减少,而导致心肌缺血的一组临床综合征,包括心绞痛、心律失常、AMI及猝死等。CAS常发
The coronary artery spasm (CAS) AMI described herein refers to AMI that is directly triggered by CAS on the basis of a normal coronary artery (coronary artery) or a nonsignificant fixed atherosclerosis of the coronary atherosclerosis Aroused people’s attention, but the sudden onset of CAS, unpredictable, the relationship between CAS and AMI is difficult to prove in clinical or pathological diagnosis is more difficult. Therefore, clinical reports are rare, here on the etiology of CAS and its AMI for a clinical review. 1 CAS Overview CAS refers to a variety of causes caused by a transient contraction of subepicardial coronary smooth muscle stenosis, myocardial blood supply suddenly decreased, leading to a group of clinical syndrome of myocardial ischemia, including angina pectoris, Arrhythmia, AMI and sudden death. CAS often