本刊曾于1994年第6期至第10期连续刊载了李荫臣同志的《秘书工作的基本功》一文。文章发表后引起很大反响,仅作者本人就收到了来自全国各地同行和读者的来函200封。同时,该文又荣获第四届中国秘书期刊学术成果一等奖的荣誉。今天,作者又撰成《公文写作基本功》奉献给大家,本刊将从本期起在“写作天地”栏目分7期连续刊出。 该文分8个部分:一、胸怀全局,把握公文的方向性;二、脚踏实地,突出公文的目的性;三、魂系于文,深蕴公文的思想性;四、眉清目秀,注重公文的严谨性;五、心正笔直,确保公文的准确性:六、言约意明,体现公文的简洁性;七、视角独特,拓展公文的创造性;八、内外一体,构建公文的科学性。
The magazine has been in 1994, No. 6 to No. 10, published a series of Comrade Li Yinchen’s “secretary’s work basic skills” article. After the article was published aroused great repercussions, only the author himself received 200 letters from counterparts and readers across the country. At the same time, the article won the honor of the first prize of academic achievement of the 4th China Secretary Journal. Today, the author also wrote a “basic skills of official document writing,” dedicated to everyone, this issue from this issue in the “writing world” section published in seven consecutive. The article is divided into 8 parts: First, the overall situation, grasp the direction of the official document; Second, down to earth, highlighting the purpose of the document; Third, the soul of the system, deep Yun official document thought; Fourth, Fifth, the heart is straightforward to ensure the accuracy of the official document: Sixth, make an appointment to show the conciseness of the official document; Seven, a unique perspective to expand the creativeness of official documents; Eight, inside and outside one, the construction of scientific documents.