June 16, 2017 News: On June 12, 2017, the National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the Basic Standards for Medical Institutions (Trial Implementation) to replace the old version of standards for hospitals, maternal and child health centers, townships and Towns), street hospitals, clinics, clinics and other medical institutions must practice the minimum standards to make provisions. Among them, it is required that the out-patient Chinese medicine treatment rate of Chinese medicine hospitals be not less than 85%, the ward Chinese medicine treatment rate not less than 70%, and the proportion of Chinese medicine personnel to the total number of medicine personnel not less than 60%. Chinese medicine clinics in the treatment rate of not less than 85% of the total number of Chinese medicine staff in the total number of medical staff not less than 70%, and at least four Chinese medicine practitioners, construction area of not less than 300m2. Integrative Medicine Outpatient Department at least three engaged in Integrative Medicine clinical work for more than two years of medical