顺城牛心是开封市地方品种,因其早熟、抗寒、不易未熟抽薹而深受广大菜农喜爱。下面就生产上常用的秋播半成株采种技术作一介绍。 1 隔离条件:甘蓝为异花授粉作物,制种时必须与花椰菜、青花菜、球茎甘蓝、芥菜、羽衣甘蓝、其它甘蓝品种等采种地隔离1000m以上。 2 选地、整地:应避免选同科的白菜、萝卜等为前作,以减少病虫害的发生,选用保水、保肥性能强的肥沃土地。选好地后进行深翻整地,施足基肥,施
Shuncheng beef heart is a local breed of Kaifeng City, because of its precocious, cold, not easy to sedge and loved by the majority of vegetable growers. The following on the production of commonly used semi-autumn sowing seed production technology for an introduction. 1 Isolation conditions: Cabbage cross-pollination crops, seed production must be cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, mustard, kale, other varieties of cabbage and other seeds more than 1000m isolation. 2, land preparation: should avoid the same selection of cabbage, radish, etc. for the first to reduce the incidence of pests and diseases, the choice of water retention, fertility and strong fertile land. Selected after the deep plowing, Shizujifei, Shi