Effects of ginsenoside on brain-derived neurotrophic factor and tyrosine kinase B mRNA expression in

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TSSSP
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BACKGROUND:There are a limited number of studies involving the effects of ginsenosides,the active component of ginseng,on expression of hippocampal TrkB mRNA in aged rats.OBJECTIVE:To observe expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) and tyrosine kinase B (TrkB)mRNA in the hippocampal formation of aged rats,as well as changes after ginsenoside administrated.DESIGN,TIME AND SETTING:A randomized,controlled experiment was performed at the Department of Anatomy,College of Basic Medical Sciences,China Medical University in March 2005.MATERIALS:A total of 39 female,Wistar rats were randomly divided into 3 groups (n=13 each):young (3-5 months old),aged(27 months old),and ginsenoside group(received 25mg/kg/d ginsenoside in the drinking water between 17 and 27 months of age).METHODS:Following anesthesia,the rats were exsanguinated and perfused transcardially with chilled,heparinized,0.9% saline.The brains were removed and post-fixed in 40 g/L paraformaldehyde/phosphate buffer for 20 minutes,and further incubated in 30% sucrose/phosphate buffer ovight.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:In situ hybridization,immunohistochemistry,and image analysis were used to investigate expression of BDNF and Trk(B mRNA in the hippocampal formation.RESULTS:The expression levels of BDNF in the hippocampal CA3 and CA1 of aged rats was significantly less than the young group(t=2.879,1.814,1.984,P<0.05).BDNF expression was significantly greater in the dentate gyrus of the ginsenoside group,compared with the aging group(t=1.943,P<0.01).The expression of TrkB mRNA in the hippocampal CA3,CA1,and dentate gyrus of aged rats was less than the young group(t=3.540,3.629,17.905,P<0.01).TrkB mRNA expression in the CA3 region and dentate gyrus of the ginsenoside group was significantly greater compared with the aging group(t=1.293,3.386,P< and TrkB mRNA expression in the hippocampal formation were reduced in the aged group.However,ginsenosides can increase BDNF and TrkB mRNA expression in the hippocampal formation.
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