
来源 :世界采矿快报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangom444
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巴基斯坦科学和技术国务部长说,今后政府将优先开发矿产资源,这与过去10年形成鲜明对照。在第七个五年计划期间,矿业部门的投资大约为75亿卢比,其中33亿卢比是国家预算拨款,其余是私营企业和国外投资。 Pakistan’s Minister of State for Science and Technology said that in the future, the government will give priority to the development of mineral resources, which is in stark contrast to the past 10 years. During the Seventh Five-Year Plan, the mining sector invested approximately Rs 7.5 billion, of which Rs. 3.3 billion was allocated by the state budget and the rest was private-sector and foreign-invested.
目的:  本实验旨在研究计算机辅助设计与计算机辅助制作(CAD/CAM)技术条件下,对比绚彩AT(anterior tooth)氧化锆全锆冠(简称AT全锆冠)与临床常用SHT(super high translucency)氧化锆