I. Introduction In wet-process copper smelting, the total energy consumption of copper from the leaching solution of copper, which is insoluble in the anode, includes the two parts of electricity consumption and steam consumption. In the electrolytic deposition of copper, the electrolyte generally does not use a separate heating measure, but relies on the heat of the electric energy to increase the temperature of the electrolyte by the bath. When the room temperature is above 15 ℃, the average temperature of electrolyte in each bath can reach 40 ~ 45 ℃. Electric consumption of steam consumption is small, only for copper and seed plate cooking wash. The tons of copper DC power consumption is generally 1800 ~ 2500 degrees, even up to 3000 individual plants. Electricity consumption accounts for the vast majority of the total energy consumption of copper products, so the key and potential of energy conservation in copper electrowinning processes is to save energy.