
来源 :国际阳明学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gsdx2009
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在全球化大潮面前,我們中國人用什麼理念去凝聚民族意志,又拿什麼去與世界各民族進行文明對話?竊以為最重要的是總結和提煉中華文明的根本精神,拿出中華文明的核心價值觀,這是中華民族屹立於世界民族之林的精神支柱。本文指出,中華文明的根本精神是“以人為本、以德為體”的道德人文精神,它具有道德主體性、人文性、整體性、實用性和兼容性五大特性,並包含著從民本走向現代民主的人文基因。在此基礎上,本文具體論述和重塑了中華文明的核心價值體系,即以“仁”為根本之道、以“義、禮、智、信、忠、廉、和、敬”為常用大德的“一道八德”價值觀,並論述了“一道八德”價值觀的現代性與普世性價值。 In the face of the tide of globalization, what concept of Chinese people use to unite our national will and engage in civilized dialogue with all ethnic groups in the world? What we steal most importantly is to summarize and refine the fundamental spirit of Chinese civilization and come up with the core of Chinese civilization Values ​​are the spiritual pillars of the Chinese nation standing in the forests of peoples of the world. This paper points out that the fundamental spirit of Chinese civilization is the moral and humanistic spirit of “people-oriented and virtue-based”. It has the five characteristics of moral subjectivity, humanity, integrity, practicability and compatibility, Toward a modern democratic human gene. On this basis, this article specifically discusses and reshapes the core value system of Chinese civilization, that is, “Ren ” as the fundamental way, “justice, courtesy, wisdom, faith, loyalty, honesty, ”Commonly used Dad’s“ one with eight virtues ”values, and discusses the“ one with eight moral values ​​”of the modernity and universal values.