《临床泌尿外科杂志》1 999年第 1 4卷第 1 2期刊载了山东省千佛山医院泌尿外科马成海同志撰写的“小儿隐匿阴茎的诊断与治疗”一文 ,现又收到乌鲁木齐市友谊医院泌尿外科王国增等同志撰写的商榷性文章“也谈小儿隐匿阴茎的治疗——与马成海同志商榷”。小儿隐匿阴茎的命名与治疗目前较为纷繁 ,为了引起临床医师对此病的深入认识 ,《临床泌尿外科杂志》编辑部特就此事邀请了同济医科大学附属同济医院小儿外科袁继炎同志撰写了一篇短文“浅谈小儿隐匿阴茎”,同时也请马成海同志复了回信 ,就“小儿隐匿阴茎的有关问题作了回答。现将这 3篇短文一同刊出 ,供临床医师参考 ,也欢迎大家参与讨论 ,以提高泌尿外科医师对此病的认知水平。
The Journal of Clinical Urology, Volume 1, January 1999, Volume 12, published the article “Diagnostic and Therapeutic Treatment of Pediatric Hidden Penis” by Comrade Ma Chenghai, Department of Urology, Qianfoshan Hospital, Shandong Province. Now he received a speech from Urumqi Friendship Hospital Department of Urology by other comrades and other articles written by the consultative article “Also talk about the treatment of children with hidden penis - discussed with Comrade Ma Chenghai.” In order to arouse clinicians’ deep understanding of the disease, editorial department of “Journal of Clinical Urology” specially invited Comrade Yuan Jianyan, a pediatric surgeon of Tongji Hospital affiliated to Tongji Medical University, to write an essay “Talking about pediatric hidden penis”, but also asked Comrade Ma Chenghai a reply, the "children hidden penis related questions have been answered. Now these 3 essays published together for clinicians, but also welcome to participate in the discussion , In order to enhance urological surgeons cognitive level of the disease.