
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhenx06
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今年4月,当我步入沈阳陵东农民应用技术研究所的大门,看到露地栽培的风信子、水仙越冬后已发芽,且即将开花时,惊讶不已。因为我从事花卉业30余年,在此地从未听说过,更没见到过。联想起我校露地引种栽培的郁金香,顿觉喜悦万分。沈阳地处东经123°,北纬41°,是寒温带季风气候。年平均气温为7.8℃,最低气温为—33℃,冬季干燥而寒冷,冬春多北风和西北风。而风信子、水仙、郁金香均属秋植球根花卉,冬季喜温暖、湿润,夏季喜凉爽、稍干燥、向阳的环境。在此地,以往均是在9~10月于室内水养、盆栽或插花,从不作露地 In April of this year, when I stepped into the door of the Institute of Applied Farming Technology in Lingdong, Shenyang, I was amazed when I saw the cultivated hyacinth and narcissus germinated after the winter and were about to bloom. Because I am engaged in the flower industry for more than 30 years, I have never heard of this, but never seen before. Think of my school open-field cultivation of tulips, feeling very pleased. Shenyang is located at 123 ° E and 41 ° N, which is a temperate monsoon climate. The annual average temperature of 7.8 ℃, the lowest temperature of -33 ℃, dry and cold in winter, winter and spring more north and northwest winds. The hyacinth, narcissus, tulip are autumn planting bulbous flowers, hi hi winter warm, moist, summer hi cool, a little dry, sunny environment. Here, in the past are in September and October indoor watering, potted or flower arrangements, never make exposure