春节过后 ,国内粮油市场购销活动逐步活跃。本月粮油市场行情不同品种走势各异。由于禽流感的扩散 ,导致大宗饲料原料玉米、豆粕等品种的价格本月出现回落 ;由于库存快速下降 ,稻米价格本月出现大幅快速上涨 ;小麦价格继续稳步上升 ;油脂油料价格稳中略升。本月全国粮油批发价
After the Spring Festival, domestic grain and oil market buying and selling activities gradually active. This month, different varieties of grain and oil market trend. As a result of the spread of bird flu, the price of bulk feed ingredients such as corn and soybean meal dropped this month. Due to the rapid decline in inventories, the price of rice rose sharply this month; the price of wheat continued to rise steadily; the price of oil and fat fuel rose slightly. This month the national wholesale price of grain and oil