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关于“意境”的论述,晚唐司空图、南宋严羽、晚清王国维皆有高见,本文试以上述三人论述为依托,从意境的产生源头、营造与鉴赏来抒发笔者对“意境论”的看法。意境产生源头的论述坚持了辩证唯物主义观。意境的营造强调情境交融、言外之意、弦外之声。意境的鉴赏主张在理解客观时代环境与作家主观心境之下的、不停留于字面之义的赏析。 On the “mood” “, the late Tang Sikong, Yan Yu in the Southern Song Dynasty, Wang Guowei in the late Qing Dynasty are all opinionated, this article try to rely on the three expositions, from the source of the artistic conception, to create and appreciate to express my ”Artistic Conception " view. The exposition of origin of artistic conception insists on the view of dialectical materialism. The creation of artistic conception emphasizes the blending of contexts, the implication of meaning and the sound of strings. Appreciation of artistic conception in understanding the objective era of the environment and the writer’s subjective mood, do not stop in the literal sense of appreciation.
传统外贸增长方式过多地遵循重数量轻质量、重规模轻质量的思路,以追求出口规模、出口创汇为主要目标,对外贸易在实现总量增长的同时,质量和效益并没有同步提高。特别是在出口导向型的政策引导下,经济增长过多地倚重于投资和出口这“两驾马车”,消费对经济的拉动功能迟迟没有得到发挥,导致内外需不协调的矛盾日渐突出,外贸增长的可持续性受到严峻考验,已成为制约经济增长方式转变的严重障碍。  从当前来看,外贸增长方式的
目的 :建立测定复方红景天心脑冲剂中红景天苷含量的方法。方法 :采用反相高效液相色谱法 (RP HPLC)测定了红景天苷的含量。以C18化学键合硅胶为固定相 ,甲醇 水 (10∶10 0 )