Cropland expansion facilitated the outbreak of cereal aphids during 1951–2010 in China

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Landscape-scale pattern could affect ecosystem service such as biocontrol of agricultural pests. Additionally, pest outbreak has been shown to be interwoven with land-use intensity. In the present research, we collected and analysed the 60-year data of cereal aphids and wheat area during 1951–2010 in China. Regression model was applied to analyse the relationship between pest damage and cropland expansion. Results showed that the percentage of cereal aphid outbreak area in wheat area increased rapidly during 1951–2010. It was 9 % during 1951–1960, while it was above 60 % during 2001–2010. In addition, effect of cropland expansion on damage of cereal aphids was significantly positive, which indicated that cropland expansion in agricultural landscape may enhance pest damage greatly.Finally, we concluded that cropland expansion was one of the most important drivers of increasing pest outbreak,which should be considered in sustainable management of cereal aphids combined with other factor(e.g. climate changes and resistant variety) at large spatiotemporal scale. Landscape-scale patterns could affect ecosystem service such as biocontrol of agricultural pests. Additionally, pest outbreak has been shown to be interwoven with land-use intensity. In the present research, we collected and analyzed the 60-year data of cereal aphids and wheat area showed 1951-2010 in China. Regression model was applied to analyze the relationship between pest damage and cropland expansion. Results showed that percentage of cereal aphid outbreak area in wheat area increased rapidly during 1951-2010. It was 9% during 1951- 1960, while it was above 60% during 2001-2010. In addition, effect of cropland expansion on damage of cereal aphids was significantly positive, which indicates that cropland expansion in agricultural landscape may enhance pest damage greatly. Finally, we concluded that cropland expansion was one of the most important drivers of increasing pest outbreak, which should be considered sustainable management of cereal aphids combined with other factor (e.g. climate changes and resistant variety) at large spatiotemporal scale.
《黑龙江八一农垦大学学报》系农业科学学术刊物。公开发行,国内统一刊号CN 23—1275/S,国际标准刊号ISSN 1002—2090,国际通用刊名识别代码CODEN HBNDES。 从1990年起,本刊
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