随着手机用户的增加,手机的营销决策支持显得至关重要。厂家的决策信息如果仅通过其本身的渠道和手机市场这种单一的渠道获取,则缺乏准确性,由此而制定的营销决策也缺少科学性。每个手机有一个全球唯一的ESN(electronic serial number)。由于手机在通话时,详细话单中会包含ESN字段信息,因此,以ESN为切入点,利用实证研究的方法,结合用户的资费套餐、话务结构等信息,就可以统计出手机用户手机的使用时长、需要更换的手机的用户数量及机型,还可以分析新产品使用情况,为售后服务、产品改进和研发提供决策支持信息,从而实现手机营销中的全过程决策支持。
With the increase of mobile phone users, mobile phone marketing decision support is crucial. Manufacturers’ decision-making information is lacking in accuracy if obtained solely through its own channels and the single channel of the mobile phone market, and the resulting marketing decisions are not scientifically sound. Each phone has a worldwide unique ESN (electronic serial number). Because the cell phone will contain the ESN field information when it is in a call, the ESN will be used as an entry point. With empirical research and information such as subscribers ’tariff packages and traffic structure, ESN field information can be used to count cell phone users’ cell phones The duration of use, the number of mobile phones that need to be replaced, the number of models and the number of users of mobile phones that need to be replaced. It can also analyze the usage of new products and provide decision support information for after-sales service, product improvement and research and development so as to realize the whole process decision support in mobile phone marketing.