1 概述 铁路10/0.4KV供电设备运行状态长期以来主要靠人工巡视检查、凭经验判断,由于受巡检人员的责任心、工作能力、工作经验、测量手段等因素的影响和限制,对设备运行状态很难准确判断,以致设备状态在渐变过程中不能及时被发现,直至发生故障影响正常供电。在对故障进行分析时,由于没有相关数据,对故障原因也只能凭现象进行推测,对故障进行定量分析依据不足。针对这一实际情况,我们研究开发了10/0.4KV供电系统中主要设备:变压器、电力线路运行状态检测系统。
1 Overview The operation status of 10 / 0.4KV power supply equipment of railway mainly depends on manual inspections for a long time. Judged by experience, due to the influence and restriction of the responsibility, working ability, working experience, measurement means and other factors of the inspectors, State is difficult to accurately judge, so that the state of the equipment can not be found in time during the gradual change, until the failure of the normal power supply. In the analysis of the fault, because there is no relevant data, the reason for the fault can only be speculated by the phenomenon, quantitative analysis of the fault based on the lack of. In view of this actual situation, we have researched and developed the main equipment of 10 / 0.4KV power supply system: Transformer, power line running state detection system.