
来源 :Journal of Sport and Health Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delphiall
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目的:本研究的目的是在中国大陆和中国香港的大学生人群中,进一步检验中译版《锻炼行为调节问卷-2》(C-BREQ-2)的相关心理测量学属性。方法:来自中国大陆(n=191)和中国香港(n=194)的大学生参加了本次研究,检验了C-BREQ-2的因素效度、区别效度、法则效度、内部一致性信度以及测量恒等性。结果:验证性因素分析结果为18条目C-BREQ-2的5因素结构提供了支持。因素间相关程度的95%置信区间检验表明,C-BREQ-2各因素间虽具有相关性但属不同概念,这为区分效度提供了支持。C-BREQ-2的内部一致性信度达到可接受水平。不同行为调节因素间相关系数呈简单相关模式,为C-BREQ-2的法则效度提供了支持。不同行为调节变量与情感及行为变量间的相关结果符合理论假设,进一步对其法则效度提供了支持。多组验证性因素分析结果表明,在中国大陆和中国香港大学生中,C-BREQ-2测量模型的因子载荷和因子方差/协方差具有跨人群恒等性。结论:本研究为在中国大学生人群使用C-BREQ-2进一步提供了心理测量学证据,也使得以自我决定理论为基础的相关动机理论在中国人人群以及在锻炼和体力活动等领域的进一步研究与应用成为可能。 Objectives: The purpose of this study was to further examine the relevant psychometric properties of the C-BREQ-2 in the Chinese version of the undergraduate population in Hong Kong, China. METHODS: Undergraduates from mainland China (n = 191) and Hong Kong, China (n = 194) participated in this study to examine the validity of the C-BREQ-2, its discriminant validity, its validity, its internal validity Degree and measurement of identity. Results: The confirmatory factor analysis provided support for the 5-factor structure of 18 entries C-BREQ-2. A 95% confidence interval test showed that although C-BREQ-2 factors were related, they were different concepts, which provided support for discriminant validity. The internal consistency reliability of C-BREQ-2 reached an acceptable level. The correlation coefficient between different behavior adjustment factors showed a simple correlation model, which provided the support for the validity of C-BREQ-2. The correlation results between the variables of different behaviors and the variables of emotion and behavior are in line with the theoretical assumptions and further support the validity of the law. Multiple sets of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor load and factor variance / covariance of the C-BREQ-2 measurement model were cross-population identities among Chinese and Hong Kong university students in China. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides further psychometric evidence for the use of C-BREQ-2 in college students in China. It also enables further research on the Chinese population and related fields such as exercise and physical activity based on self-determination theory With the application is possible.
今年65岁的王大爷长期高血压,夏季的一天早上,他惊奇地发现自己还没吃药,血压就变得正常了;隔壁的张阿姨则有些郁闷,平素血压一向正常的她,最近却常常头晕眼花,去医院检查发现是低血压导致的。  天气也能影响人的血压吗?是的。随着气温的上升,人体内的血管扩张,血管阻力减小,血压相应下降。同时,夏季人体出汗多,盐分随汗液排出體外,导致血容量下降,血压随之降低。  有些患者一听夏天血压会下降,就想停掉降压药
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