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  本刊特约记者 戚永晔
  A view of the exhibition room on international education and exchanges
  Quzhou Mayor Shang Qing (right) visits the exhibition room on international education and exchanges.
  “现在我真正体会了当教师的那种美妙感觉。非常感激2011年11月10日,衢州市人民政府代表团访问友好城市从衢州二中老师身上学到了那么多的东西,同样也非常感谢雷德温市。访问中,衢州市副市长罗卫红写下一首古风《姐妹我的学生。在教给他们一点知识的同时,我也收获了不少快城市雷德温纪行》,全诗如下:“先辈结奇缘,万里寻梦圆。飞乐。在这儿时间越长,我就越能更好地吸收我所学的一切,雪迎远客,温馨满校园。把盏话旧事,餐桌笑声喧。依依惜别并学以致用。”影,脉脉风语传。明月似有意,当空转玉盘。 ”二中校长潘志
  这是雷德温市派往衢州的第十任交流教师玛乔里 •罗强作为团员随行,并把此诗翻译成英语,赢得雷德温方面的斯•哈卡拉,在《予人玫瑰,手有余香》一文中写下的话。负责赞誉。而其中“温馨满校园”一句,指的就是衢州二中为代表翻译这篇作品的英语老师祝凌宇告诉我,这位交流教师在衢的衢州教育界与雷德温频繁而密切的交流。州二中与大家相处得很愉快,学生们从他那里得到原汁原味的知识之外,同时也在生活中向对方展示了很多中国优秀的文化传播的使者文化。教育要“面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来”。从国家昌
  玛乔里 •罗斯 •哈卡拉说,在衢州二中期间,他常常认真盛和民族振兴的战略高度出发,培育学生主动参与未来国际
  Director of Quzhou Education Xu Chaojin (left) and Vice Director of Office of Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs of Quzhou unveil the exhibi-tion room.
  第一任美籍教师戴茜.霍夫回国后频频受邀介绍在中国际推广中小学基地”,被浙江省教育厅确定为“外国留学国的感受,连续讲习31场,向美国社会各界介绍中国的历史生教育基地”。 文化、社会环境和经济发展情况。雷德温市只有一万人口,而到场聆听的达数千人,在当地掀起了一股不小的“中国热”、授人以渔的平台“汉语热”。良好的外部环境造就了优秀的校园文化。在衢州二中采
  2011年5月,一本衢州二中外教们的文集《汉语桥 ——访期间,我恰巧看到了感人的一幕——第二届教师肖像画展外国专家眼里的教育对比及文化交流》由新蕾出版社出版,在校内开始展出。该书与稍早出版的《桥》《我在海外教汉语》汇集成一套展览前言里的一段话,表达了画展的用意:“一笔一
  Chinese Bridge, a series of books on interna-tional exchanges
  2010年第一次把想法付诸实践后,展出的首届教师肖像画展取得了很好的反响,老师们在观展后,几乎都感叹不已,有的老师还提出,希望收藏学生的画,“要将它裱起来留作纪念” 。
  在结束本稿采写之时,记者看到今年1月4日,教育部党组刚刚公布的《教育部学习宣传贯彻党的十七届六中全会精神重点工作》一文,专门提到了“推动实施文化走出去工程和建立文化交流机制”一条,说:“推动海外中国学术研究,鼓励高校合作建立海外中国学术研究中心……支持高校境外办学。实施‘留学中国计划’和‘海外留学计划’,建立面向外国青年的文化交流机制。 ”
  Directors of Confucius Institutes of 12 countries at the unveiling ceremony
  Middle School Pioneers Cultural Exchanges, Promotes International Understanding
  By Qi Yongye, our special reporter
  In recent years, paying a visit to a Confucius Institute has become a priority on agendas for Chinese state leaders on their overseas vis-its. On December 24, 2011, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping vis-ited the Confucius Institute at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
  All this is in news headlines and many people know that Confu-cius Institutes are now all the rage, but many people have no idea that Quzhou No.2 High School has been engaged for years in vari-ous exchange programs with many overseas Confucius Institutes.
  The close ties with these institutes are partly due to the geograph-ic advantages the school has. Quzhou, a central city in southwestern
  A US newspaper’s coverage of Quzhou Delegation in America
  Zhejiang, is unique in China. It is home to a Confucius Temple and
  Residence since the southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) when the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) collapsed and the descendents of Confucius followed the emperor and his entourage to flee south-ward. The temple in Quzhou was constructed on the royal decree to honor Confucius and the residence was built to house Confucius’ descendents. Nowadays, a memorial ceremony is annually held at the temple in Quzhou on September 28, the birthday of Confucius. Officials of overseas Confucius Institutes often come to pay re-spects to the master.
  In fact, Quzhou No.2 High School has been engaged in taking initiatives to operate international programs long before Confucius Institutes became a trend and long before friends from overseas Confucius Institutes came to visit the campus.
  In early January 2012, we from Cultural Dialogue vis-ited the school and had a conversation with Pan Zhiqiang, principal of the school and man with a vision and foresight for international education and exchanges. During the conversation, Pan talked about some practices the school has adopted in recent years in conducting its exchange pro-grams and encouraging students to attain a world vision.
  On 27 September 2011, one day before the birthday of Confucius and grand ceremonies in Quzhou, Quzhou No.2 High School unveiled an exhibition room for achievements of the school’s international education and exchanges pro-
  grams, the first of its kind in Zhejiang Province. Presidents of five foreign Confucius Institutes attended the inaugura-tion and visited the display room.
  The mini-exhibition serves as archives of more than 300 photos, documents, video footages, and other objects from the school’s international programs over the past 20 plus years. Each exhibit tells a story of friendship, a story about the school’s international education and exchanges under-takings.
  “If what the school did in its initiatives to go interna-
  tional in education and exchanges programs 20 years ago is a preface, today we hope to write new chapters in our education programs to promote international understanding,” remarked Pan.
  Dai Ruihua, an official of Ministry of Education in charge of
  primary and secondary education, wrote a letter of congratula-
  tion on the opening of the exhibition room, confirming Quzhou
  No.2 High School was a pioneer in promoting international pro-grams and cultivating students with a world vision.
  The exhibition room on the campus also functions as a class-room. Teachers often bring students here and explain features of the western culture with the aid of the exhibits. Both teachers and students feel it is much easier to teach and learn here.
  In November 2011, Pan and his team won a first-class award from Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government for a paper on research and practice in setting up a curriculum in international understanding and education. This honor is the highest for a research program at the level of middle and primary schools in the province. The students and faculty of the school are happy to believe that this rewarding honor confirms the endeavors the school has made to promote international education programs.
  Quzhou No.2 High School sent its teachers to Minnesota, USA for further studies in 1987. In 1995, the school launched a more ambitious international program after Quzhou and Red Wing, a city in Minnesota became sister cities. Teachers from the school went to Red Wing and Red Wing sent its English teachers to the school. In Zhejiang Province, it was the first high school engaged in such an international teachers-exchange program.
  International programs at the school have multiplied. Over years, the school has launched quite a few platforms that have enabled more than 100 teachers and more than 1,000 students to take overseas education programs in foreign countries. More than 50 foreign teachers have taught at the school and hundreds of foreign friends have visited the school.
  Daisy Hofer, the very first teacher from Red Wing, taught at
  Drawings by students of Quzhou No. 2 High School will be exhibited in the United States. This drawing is by Shao Yanxi.
  This is a drawing by Lan Yi
  This is a drawing by Huang Zhaoqi
  学生何选习作 A drawing by He Xuan
  Quzhou No.2 High School in 1995. Back home in Red Wing, she held 31 lectures reporting what she had seen in China. Back then, the city had a population of 10,000 and several thousands attended her sensational lectures. Her lectures created a craze for China and the Chinese language across Red Wing.
  In recent years, Quzhou No.2 High School has attracted more and more international attention and the school has blazed a new trail in designing and integrating international exchanges into its curriculum. The school has partnered with more than ten overseas schools in conducting programs for friendly cooperation.
  During our visit to the school, Mr. Pan showed us three books in a series called Chinese Bridge. The collection features essays written by foreign teachers who have taught at the school and by teachers of the school who have taught overseas. Pan’s face beamed when he showed us the three books.
  The international programs have remarkably improved education quality of the school. While visiting Red Wing, teachers and stu-dents from Quzhou No.2 High School saw American students draw pictures of local postal workers. They borrowed the innovative method and launched a campaign in 2010. Students drew pictures of their teachers. At a special exhibition that displayed the best paint-
  ings, teachers were amazed to find how their students saw them.
  On September 26, 2011, the school was recognized as a model school for its English teaching and research and for its courses in promoting international un-derstanding. The school is the only high school in Zhejiang Province granted this honor.
  The school has received many other rewards from its fruitful international programs. On 11 October 2011, Beijing University announced a list of middle schools across China that qualified to recommend graduates to the university in 2012. Quzhou No.2 High School is one of the 12 in Zhe-jiang on this honor list. □
今年6月12日至19日,由中国文联、中国杂技家协会共同主办的第二届中国杂技艺术节在北京天桥剧院举行。一出名为《墨荷·蹬伞》的表演,以独特的编排、精湛的表演,让观众们看得目瞪口呆,赢得满堂彩,顺利捧回了本次大赛的金奖——代表我国杂技艺术最高奖的“金菊奖”。  旁人告诉我,早在去年12月,在文化部主办的第八届全国杂技(魔术)比赛中,浙江曲艺杂技总团选送的魔术《牌影》就获得第一名的好成绩。本次杂技《墨荷
The 8th National Games of Disabled Persons of People’s Republic of China opened extravagantly on October 11, 2011 at the Dragon Stadium in Hangzhou, the capital of eastern China’s coastal Zhejiang Pro
In June 2011, Zhejiang Acrobatic Troupe won Golden Chrysanthemum Award at the 2nd National Acrobatic Arts Festival in Beijing. Golden Chrysanthemum is China’s Oscar for acrobats. The festival was spon
巴西盛装狂欢    巴西狂欢节是著名的节庆,遍及全国各地,其中里约热内卢狂欢活动,闻名遐迩,被称为世界上最大的庆典秀。巴西狂欢节每年举行一次,时间在2月底或者3月初,或者说是每年复活节之前的第46天拉开帷幕。  巴西狂欢节规模宏大。为期一周的狂欢节期间,整个国家的其他一切活动似乎都停顿下来。庆祝活动夜以继日举行。巴西一年的啤酒销售量,有80%是在狂欢节期间喝掉的。参加狂欢节的旅游者,占全年旅游者的
杭州有一道新增的文化风景线很值得去看,那就是位于小河路运河边的河畔书屋。这里,沿河有八个亭子,每个亭子都是一个独立的特色书屋,有的只提供爱情小说,有的陈列音乐书籍,有的满屋子都是漫画,完全宅男风格,有的一看就是文艺青年阅读天地。徜徉其间,浓浓的文化气息扑面而来,让人流连忘返。  事情的缘起是因为运河在申遗,运河集团不想让运河边商业气氛太浓,而想要这里充满文化学习气氛。而都市快报的记者、编辑们也不想
July 27, 2011 was a day when businessman Chu Jiwang donated a million yuan to Jiwang Medical Aids Foundation. With this donation, Chu’s contribution to the foundation has amounted to 8 million. Also o
爱好音乐的你也许发现,似乎一夜之间,全国都在搞音乐节。光是浙江省,今年就有8月的桃花岛音乐节、10月初的海宁潮音乐节。10月29日至30日,在杭州最美的秋季,2011西湖国际音乐节如期在太子湾公园举行,崔健、卢广仲、田原、邵夷贝、左小祖咒、万晓利等超豪华阵容全部集结在西湖边。  虽然是西湖成功申遗后的第一次音乐节,但一如往届那样,活动不讲排场,明星没有距离,一切都以音乐为中心。  我有幸参与了这场
周恩来爱好戏剧,重视戏剧。他曾多次观看故乡的昆剧、越剧、绍剧、婺剧,对浙江地方戏剧给予亲切的关怀。     “你们浙江做了一件好事:一出戏救活了一个剧种。《十五贯》有丰富的人民性和相当高的艺术性。”  昆曲是集我国的历史、文学、表演、音乐、舞台艺术于一体的古老剧种,在全国有很大的影响。  周恩来一生多次观看过昆剧表演,对不少昆剧剧目从剧情内容到表演程式都有中肯的评价。  解放前夕,昆剧濒临绝唱。
金秋的西子湖畔,天高气爽,在如织的游人中,一对老夫妻在白堤上匆匆行走,“楼外楼到了!”  面带微笑的服务小姐热情地把两位老人引进餐厅,待老人落座后,服务小姐又递上菜单,请老人点菜。两位老人一边商量一边点菜。10多分钟后菜上来了,他们津津有味地品尝西湖醋鱼、龙井虾仁等菜肴,并连连点头赞道:“味道正宗!”    名菜佳肴 湖楼飘香  楼外楼素以经营杭州传统名菜而闻名于世,在烹饪技艺上逐渐形成了独树一
今年,正值昆曲表演艺术大师周传瑛诞辰100周年,也是昆曲被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录10周年,杭州举办名家折子戏专场演出及周传瑛学术研究会等纪念活动。  在“十年”“百龄”时节,笔者走访了浙江昆剧团,采写了薪火永续,浙昆“传、世、盛、秀”四代同堂的兴旺局面。    “昆曲,发源于14、15世纪苏州昆山的曲唱艺术体系,糅合了唱念做表、舞蹈及武术的表演艺术。”这是中华书局《现代汉语词典》中,对昆曲的解