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任重而道远,崛起于阡陌的奥克斯中央空调,作为奥克斯集团的中流砥柱,必将以拓荒牛的精神拼搏斩杀于激烈的市场环境当中,只为着一个美丽的梦想。2014年快要接近尾声的时候,奥克斯中央空调终于不再沉默,在总部宁波举行盛大的精品上市暨6A战略发布会。实际上,此次会议是奥克斯中央空调对2014年的总结和2015年的展望,同时也是一场承前启后的年会。2014年,对于奥克斯中央空调而言,着实是不平凡的一年。第一,奥克斯集团成立20周年,20年的 A long way to go, the Oaks Central air-conditioning rose in the terraced rice paddies, as the mainstay of the Oaks Group, will be the spirit of pioneering cattle beheaded in the fierce market environment, just for a beautiful dream. Towards the end of 2014 is approaching, Oaks central air conditioning finally no longer silent, held in Ningbo, a grand boutiques and 6A strategic launch conference. In fact, this meeting is the summary of OXC central air-conditioning in 2014 and the outlook for 2015, and it is also an unprecedented conference. In 2014, for Oaks central air conditioning, is really an extraordinary year. First, the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Oaks Group, 20 years