青铜为鉴 熠熠光辉 秦晋豫冀共推两周诸侯国青铜文化盛宴

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带队专家王长启,著名瓷器、杂项鉴定专家,《收藏》杂志专家咨询委员会主任。多次参与青铜器的发掘、征集工作,曾发表《环带纹鼎与蟠龙纹壶》《西安丰镐遗址发现的车马坑及青铜器》《西安市文物中心藏战国秦汉时期的青铜器》等多篇有影响力的相关学术文章。 Lead experts Wang Changqi, famous porcelain, miscellaneous identification experts, “magazine” magazine expert advisory committee director. Repeatedly involved in the excavation of bronzes, soliciting work, has published “Ring with tripod and Beaulieu pot” Xianfengao sites found in horses and pits and bronze “,” Xi’an Cultural Relic Center during the Qin and Han dynasties Bronze Age "and many more Relevant academic articles influential.