月亮城堡是东润投资集团“度假式酒店+房地产”模式的创新之作,是具有国际化标准的商务休闲度假公寓,它融合欧美盛行的 Condo 类高档公寓的特点,适合自身独特的区位、环境、配套和居住功能等优势,为国内地产业带来一种崭新的产品形态——“小豪宅”。离 CBD 仅10公里的距离,运河双水域生态及千亩园林绿化等环境资源,使月亮城堡的区域价值不可复制;普通高档公寓所不能比拟的奢华装修与交房标准,星级酒店式物业服务,及一般别墅与 Townhouse 所不能企及的6万平米度假村会所配套,使其产品具有明显的豪宅特征;而面积在60多平米,总价70万左右的主力小户型,又使其成为高贵不贵的“享受型”公寓产品,小而玲珑精致,小而尊贵不凡,颇能吸引城市富有阶层、在华外籍员工、驻京商务人士、CBD 高级白领、文艺界人士的青睐。
Moon Castle is an innovation made by Dongrun Investment Group in the mode of “resort hotel + real estate”. It is an international standard business and leisure holiday apartment, which integrates the characteristics of Condo class luxury apartments popular in Europe and the United States for its unique location , Environment, supporting and living functions and other advantages for the domestic real estate industry has brought a new product form - “mansion ”. Only 10 km away from the CBD, the ecological environment of the two rivers and the landscaping and other environmental resources, so that the regional value of the moon castle can not be copied; ordinary luxury apartments can not match the standards of luxury decoration and delivery, star hotel property services, And general villas and Townhouse can not match the 60,000-square-meter resort clubhouse, so that their products have obvious luxury features; and area of more than 60 square meters, the total price of 700,000 or so of the main small-sized, but also make it noble and inexpensive “Enjoyment ” apartment products, small and exquisite, small and distinguished extraordinary, quite able to attract wealthy urbanites, foreign employees in China, business people in Beijing, CBD senior white-collar workers, literary and art circles of all ages.