神话原型批评理论的创始人之一卡尔·荣格曾指出,在人类集体潜意识中比较常见的有父亲原型和母亲原型等。前者象征权威、力量和尊严,后者则代表保护、滋养和救助。表现母亲原型的意象有大地、幽静的树林、平和的大海、潺潺的流水、耕地、花园、岩石、山洞、井等,甚至所有包容性的器具和小兽,也都与母亲原型密切相关。 本文尝试通过分析《圣经》伊甸园神话
Carl Jung, one of the founders of mythological criticism theory, pointed out that the more common forms of fatherhood prototypes and mothers’ prototypes are in the human collective subconsciousness. The former symbolizes authority, strength and dignity while the latter represents protection, nourishment and relief. The motifs that characterize the mother include earth, secluded woods, peaceful sea, murmuring water, arable land, gardens, rocks, caves, wells, and even all inclusive implements and small beasts, all of which are closely related to the prototype of the mother. This article attempts to analyze the myth of the Garden of Eden