一晃,热热闹闹的2000车就到了年尾——又是做总结的时侯了! 这一次年终总结,我们把“虚拟应用”和“应用选型”两个栏目整合到了一起,组成了一个新的栏目——“前台大阅兵”。在此,我们将回顾2000年的技术发展概况,同时介绍一些最近推出的热点产品和解决方案,并对2001年的技术、应用变化做出相应预测,最终力图为您勾勒出一幅完整的轨迹图。希望我们的工作能够帮助您纵览技术变化,了解发展热点,在未来方案的选型和实施中构建一个自己满意的IT工作环境。
Flash, bustling 2000 car to the end of the year - is the time to conclude! This year-end summary, we put the “virtual application” and “application selection” two columns together to form a The new column - “front desk parade.” Here, we review the technological development in 2000, introduce some recently introduced hot products and solutions, make corresponding predictions on the technology and application changes in 2001, and ultimately try to outline a complete trajectory for you Figure We hope that our work can help you to review the technological changes, understand the hot spots in development, and build a satisfied IT working environment in the selection and implementation of future plans.