一九九六年的金秋季节,我作为全国5万个信用社档案工作者的代表之一,出席了第十三届国际档案大会。 九月的北京,气候温暖宜人,天安门广场沉浸在一片节日气氛之中,来自130个国家和地区的2600多名代表云集在此,共叙异国他乡之友情,共商国际档案之大事。 会议期间,我有幸结识了瓦洛先生,并和他及夫人一起合影留念。瓦洛,加拿大人,第十二届国际档案理事会主席,约1米90的身材,着上去高大魁梧,其夫人是英
In the autumn of 1996, as one of the representatives of 50,000 credit union archivists across the country, I attended the 13th International Archives. In September, Beijing enjoys a warm climate with Tiananmen Square immersed in a festive atmosphere. More than 2,600 delegates from 130 countries and regions gathered here to discuss the friendship of foreign countries and to discuss international archives. During the meeting, I had the honor to meet Mr. Warlow and take a group photo with him and my wife. Warlow, Canadian, President of the 12th International Archives Council, about 1 meter tall and 90 tall, tall and burly up, and his wife is the British