细辛属马兜铃科(Aristolochiaceae)植物,别名“小辛”、“少辛”,产于我国陕西、浙江,福建、山东及东北各地。朝比柰氏报告,中国细辛为Asarum Blumei Duck,而非为Asarum Sieboldi Mig.(日本细辛),但根据陈倬氏的报告,我们所采用的崂山细辛为Asarum Sieboldi Mig.。细辛之作为药用,早在神农本草经上就有记载。木草纲目记述,细辛有催吐、祛痰、发汗、利尿及通便之效。近代文献中则记述细辛能镇痛、镇咳、定喘,且可治疗头痛、齿痛及关节痛,并可用以治疗枝气管炎及枝气管扩张等疾患。在欧洲
Asachochiaceae (Aristolochiaceae) is a plant, alias “Xinxin”, “Shaoxin”, produced in Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, and Northeast China. According to Chao Pishi, Chinese Asarum is Asarum Blumei Duck, rather than Asarum Sieboldi Mig. (Nippon Asarum), but according to Chen’s report, the Asarum Sieboldi Mig. The medicinal properties of Asarum have been documented as early as the Shennongbong Herbal Scripture. The woodgrass outline describes that Asarum has the effects of vomiting, sputum, sweating, diuresis and laxative. In the modern literature, it was recorded that Asarum can relieve pain, suppress cough, and regulate stagnation. It can also treat headaches, toothaches, and joint pains, and can be used to treat diseases such as bronchitis and bronchiectasis. in Europe