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4月28日,庆祝“五一”国际劳动节大会在北京召开,会上宣布了全国430个先进集体荣获全国五一劳动奖状,1095名先进个人荣获全国五一劳动奖章。据中华全国总工会介绍,这些先进集体和先进个人的推荐和评选用时两个多月,并经过了“本单位公示-全总初审-省(区、市)公示-全总复审-全国公示”的“两审三公示”的严格筛选,最大限度地挤出了“劳模”称号中不该有的“水分”。据称,所有推荐对象都是自下而上产生,并经过了职工大会或居民会议讨论通过。推荐的企业和企业负责人,都经过了当地县以上工商、税务、劳动保障、安全生产、环境保护、人口计生等部门审查并签署意见。国有企业和国有企业负责人还经过了审计、纪检、监察等部门审查并签署意见。推荐人选是党政机关干部的,都经过了纪检、监察部门审查并签署意见,并按照干部管理权限,征得了上级组织人事部门的同意。在地方公示期间,根据群众举报和安全生产管理等部门的意见,对这些“劳模候选人”调整了4个集体、12名个人。全 On April 28, the “51 May” International Labor Day Assembly was celebrated in Beijing. At the meeting, 430 advanced collectives of the country were awarded the May 1 Labor Medal, and 1095 advanced individuals won the May 1 Labor Medal. According to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the recommendation and selection of these advanced collectives and advanced individuals took more than two months and passed the “announcement of the unit - the first trial of the entire unit - the publicity of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) - the general review - the national publicity ”“ Two trial three public ”rigorous screening, to maximize the “ model worker ”title should not have “ moisture ”. Allegedly, all the recommendations are generated from the bottom up, and after the workers meeting or residents meeting for discussion and approval. Recommended business and business leaders, have gone through the local county above industry and commerce, taxation, labor security, production safety, environmental protection, family planning and other departments to review and sign opinions. The heads of state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises also passed the audits, discipline inspection and supervision departments and examined and signed opinions. The candidates for election are cadres of the party and government organs. They have all passed the discipline inspection and supervision departments’ examination and sign their opinions. They have also obtained the consent of the personnel departments at the higher levels in accordance with their management authority. During the local publicity, 4 collectives and 12 individuals were adjusted to these “model worker candidates” based on the opinions of the people reporting and work safety management and other departments. all
夹金山,因是红军长征翻越的第一座大雪山而永载史册。 我第一次翻越夹金山,是1997年5月和吴久灵、李莽等5人到川西北摄影采风。我们在宝兴县的硗碛乡拍了“红军三越夹金山纪
基于共存理论建立钒渣活度计算模型,研究含钒铁水提钒同时脱磷而加入的Ca O对提钒及脱磷带来的影响。渣铁平衡试验结果表明在低碱度(R
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