实行全额承包 搞活报刊零售——上海宝山县局报刊零售工作调查

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到1985年9月止,全国报纸已发展到1632家,正式向邮局登记的期刊4100家,比建国初期增长10余倍。现在报刊投递量约占信报投递总量的80%左右。面临这一客观发展的新形势,积极发展报刊零售业务是一条出路。上海宝山县局在大量的调查研究的基础上,对报刊零售实行全面承包,一年来取得了一些效果。过去,这个局四个报刊门市部的零售额长期上不去,用户买不到所需报刊,零售人员感到工作繁重。平均主义的分配和奖励制度,严重地挫伤了报刊零售人员的积极性,报刊滞销率不断上升,有的4.8%,有的高达7.9%,大大超过邮电部2%的规定。1984年8月起,宝山局对全县的江湾、五角场、县局和友谊路四个报刊门市部实行全额承包,并从经营方式、收益分配、经济责任等三个方面进行了改革。企业同专职报 By September 1985, there were 1,632 newspapers nationwide and 4,100 officially registered journals at the post office, an increase of more than 10 times that of the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic. Now newspaper delivery accounts for about 80% of the total letter delivery. Facing this new situation of objective development, it is a way to actively develop the retail business of newspapers and periodicals. Based on a large number of investigations and studies, Shanghai Baoshan County Bureau implemented a comprehensive contract for the retail of newspapers and periodicals and achieved some results in the past year. In the past, the retail sales of the four newspapers and magazines in the bureau have not kept going for a long time. The users can not buy the newspapers and newspapers they need, and the retail staff feel that the work is heavy. The egalitarian distribution and reward system has seriously dampened the enthusiasm of newspaper and magazine retailers. The rate of newspaper and magazine unsprung sales continued to rise, some 4.8% and some as high as 7.9%, far exceeding the 2% requirement of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Since August 1984, Baoshan Bureau has fully contracted the four newspapers and magazines of Jiangwan, Wujiaochang, County and Friendship Road in the county and has carried out reforms in three aspects: business mode, income distribution and economic responsibility . Full-time business with the newspaper
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