In January 2014, the author accidentally screened “Wu Dayi Title Ding Yi Six Axes” in Rubbings Rubbings, with Wu Hufan’s signature on the outside of the scroll. Coexistence of twenty-four Zhong Ding Yi-shaped extension of the inscription rubbings, mostly for the constant Wu Xuan Xuan possession. Each rubbing edge has Wu Daban Zhu pen inscription, or release inscriptions, or evidence history, or record collection experience. In addition to Wu Dafang possession of India in the scroll, the other 钤 have “Wuhufan ”, “Wuhufan collection of India ”, “ancestors ”, “Wu Pan Jingshu ”, “ ”Wu Hufan Pan Jingshu collection of calligraphy and painting boutique “, ”Mei Ying Bookstore secret "