冷战时期欧洲国防工业缺乏行之有效的全面分工与合作体系 ,独立于一体化之外。冷战结束后 ,欧洲国际地位迅速上升 ,建立独立的防务、摆脱美国的控制遂成当务之急。因而 ,90年代以来 ,欧盟国防工业作为共同安全与防务的重要基础 ,在实现联合的过程中取得了突破性进展 ,从武器研制、生产到采购都表现出了一体化的特征和发展趋势。然而 ,欧洲国防工业在一体化进程中将会遇到各种各样的困难 ,要形成一个新型的欧洲军事工业联合体 ,为时尚早。
During the Cold War, the defense industry in Europe lacks an effective comprehensive system of division of labor and cooperation, independent of the integration. After the Cold War, the rapid rise of European international status, the establishment of an independent defense and the release of U.S. control have become the top priorities. Therefore, since the 1990s, the EU defense industry, as an important foundation for common security and defense, has made breakthrough progress in the process of realizing the alliance. The development, production and procurement of weapons all show the characteristics and trends of integration. However, the defense industry in Europe will encounter various difficulties in its integration process. It is still too early to form a new type of European military industrial complex.