20 1 2年底,南平市养老护理从业人员有3 11名,持有职业资格证书或机关事业单位工勤人员技术等级证书仅84人,持证上岗率27%,养老护理人才队伍紧缺。2013年以来,全市创新以养老护理员职业技能竞赛、培训等方式,积极推行国家职业资格证书制度,多举措提高持证上岗率。至今年8月,全市养老护理从业人员有322名,持有职业资格证书或机关事业单位工勤人员技术等级证书206人,其中高级75人、中级23人、初级108人,整体持证上岗率
At the end of 2001, there were 3111 aged care workers in Nanping City, holding only 84 vocational qualification certificates or technical grade certificates of attendance personnel in government agencies and public institutions, and a 27% rate of holding certificates. The number of retirement nursing talents is scarce. Since 2013, the city has taken the initiative to promote the system of national vocational qualification certificates by means of occupational skills competitions and trainings for nursing home nurses, and has taken various measures to improve the rate of certificates of employment. As of August this year, there are 322 nursing employees in the city, holding 206 vocational qualification certificates or technical grade certificates of attendance personnel of institutions and institutions, including 75 senior, 23 intermediate and 108 junior,