本文报道33例肝硬化患者尿液微量白蛋白(Alb)和转铁蛋白(Tr)的测定结果,现报道如下。 对象和方法 一、对象:(一)正常人:35人(男21,女14)。均为我院门诊体检合格的健康人,心、肝、肺、肾等重要脏器无疾患,肝、肾功能试验正常,年龄21~29岁,平均25.6岁。 (二)病人组:33人(男25,女8)均为我院确诊为肝硬化的住院患者,其中有肝硬化腹水患者8人,无腹水组25人。全部病例经B超、CT和实验室检查项目确诊,部分病例经核磁共振和病理检查确诊年龄26~51岁,平均41.8岁。
This article reports 33 patients with cirrhosis urine microalbumin (Alb) and transferrin (Tr) results, are reported below. Objects and methods First, the object: (a) normal: 35 (male 21, female 14). All of them were healthy people who passed out-patient examination in our hospital. Heart, liver, lung, kidney and other important organs were free of disease. Their liver and kidney function tests were normal. They were 21 to 29 years old with an average of 25.6 years old. (B) the patient group: 33 (male 25, female 8) are hospitalized patients diagnosed as cirrhosis in our hospital, of which 8 patients with cirrhosis and 25 patients without ascites. All cases were diagnosed by B-ultrasound, CT and laboratory tests. Some cases were diagnosed by MRI and pathology. The age ranged from 26 to 51 years with an average of 41.8 years.