经人事部审核,并报国务院批准,1997年度湖南省有65人享受政府特殊津贴。 政府特殊津贴是经国务院批准,给我国社会主义现代化建设事业做出突出贡献的专业技术人员发放的津贴和荣誉奖励,由国务院直接颁发证书,其目的是激励广大科技人员为我国科学技术事业不断做出新的更大的贡献。自1990年开展这项工作以来,我省共有
After examination and approval by the Ministry of Personnel and submission to the State Council, 65 people in Hunan Province in 1997 enjoyed special government allowances. The special allowance of the government is the allowance and honor award issued by professional and technical personnel who have been approved by the State Council and made outstanding contributions to the cause of socialist modernization in China. The State Council hereby issues a certificate directly to encourage the majority of scientific and technical personnel to continuously make contributions to the cause of science and technology in our country A new greater contribution. Since the start of this work in 1990, our province has a total of