为中早粳晚熟稻区改良杂交粳稻稻米品质,提高粳稻单位面积产量,采用杂种优势利用方法,在育成优良BT型三系不育系金粳13A和恢复系津恢2号的基础上,组配高产、优质、多抗杂交粳稻品种金粳优132,经国家北方稻区中早粳晚熟组2008—2009年区域试验,金粳优132号平均单产9.81 t·hm-2,比对照金珠1号增产12.94%;2012年生产试验平均单产9.97t·hm-2,比对照增产13.7%。2010年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定,准予在辽宁省南部、北京市、天津市稻区种植。金粳优132是我国北方稻区首个米质达国标优质稻谷1级标准的国审杂交粳稻品种。
In order to improve the quality of late japonica rice hybrid rice japonica rice and improve the yield of japonica rice per unit area, based on the heterosis utilization method, on the basis of cultivating fine BT type CMS line Jinjing 13A and restorer line Jinhui 2, The high-yielding, high-quality and poly-resistant japonica hybrid Jinjingyou 132 was tested by regional trial of late japonica late maturing group in the northern part of China for 2008-2009. The average yield of Jinjingyou 132 was 9.81 t · hm-2, 1 increased by 12.94%; 2012 production test average yield of 9.97t · hm-2, 13.7% increase over the control. In 2010, it was approved by the National Crop Variety Approval Committee and allowed to be planted in the rice planting areas in southern Liaoning Province, Beijing Municipality and Tianjin Municipality. JinJingYou 132 is the first national hybrid japonica hybrid rice in the northern region of China that is the first grade of high grade rice with quality standard of GB.