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拿笔杆是实行领导的主要方法。领导同志要学会拿笔杆。开会是一种领导方法,是必需的,但到会的人总是少数,即使做个大报告,也只有几百人听。个别谈话也是一种领导方法,但只能是“个别”。实现领导最广泛的方法是用笔杆子。用笔写出来传播就广,而且经过写,思想就提炼了,比较周密。所以用笔领导是领导的主要方法,这是毛主席告诉我们的。凡不会写的要学会写,能写而不精的要慢慢地精。拿笔有多种。党和政府写决议、指示、计划,发电报,这是很重要的,但指示、电报只能传达到一定范围的干部。任何政策如果只同干部见面,不同群众见面,是不能发生效果的。拿笔杆子中,作 Take the pen is the implementation of the main method of leadership. Leader comrades must learn to take the pen. A meeting is a method of leadership, a necessity, but there are always a few who attend, even if you make a big report, only a few hundred people listen. Individual conversation is also a method of leadership, but it can only be “individual.” The most widely used method to achieve leadership is to use a pencil pole. Spread out with a pen on the wide, and after writing, thought refining, more thorough. Therefore, the use of pen leadership is the main method of leadership. This is what Chairman Mao told us. Who can not write to learn to write, not to be able to write and slowly refined. There are a variety of pen. It is very important that the party and the government write resolutions, instructions, plans, and telegrams, but the telegram can only be conveyed to a certain range of cadres. If any policy meets only with cadres, it will not work if different people meet. Take the pen in the child, for
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