关于私有化,又不仅是私有化 关于一般讲我们要不要私有化的争论的喧嚣声已经消失了。说到底,大多数公民已经明白了,在前苏联用70年时间所进行的、以证明建立在全民所有制基础上的社会的优越性的大规模试验已经彻底失败了。但是,有关私有化的争论至今仍未消声匿迹。诚然,现在争论的已经是怎样进行私有化的问题。所有这一切似乎都是很好的,假如没有下述一个重要情节的话,即如果还不清楚,一般讲我们打算建造什么,关于需要
The noise of privatization, not just privatization, of the general debate about whether we should or should not be privatized, has vanished. After all, most citizens have come to understand that the massive experiment carried out over the past 70 years in the former Soviet Union to prove the superiority of the society based on the ownership of the whole people has completely failed. However, the controversy over privatization has still not disappeared. True, the question now is how to privatize. All this seems to be very good, if there is no one of the following important episode, that is, if it is not clear, we generally talk about what we intend to build on the need