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雪压霜欺花儿更美丽人是什么?天地之间一个“小小的我”。因为个人力量的渺小和生命本身的脆弱,如果遭遇了意外的打击,生活就会在瞬间改变模样。是一败涂地还是选择坚强?理想的航船还能不能重新起航驶向下一个港湾?不同的人做了不同的选择,许小雪、侯月利和张永红交了出色的答卷。特别需要说明的是,“用嘴画人生”的作者侯月利又是“生命的小舟触礁之后”的主人公。她也是一位高位截瘫的农家女。她有今天的成就实属不易。经过风吹雨打,她变得更加达观和坚强。她用自己的亲身经历告诉我们:一个人只要自己不倒下,那么没人能让他倒下。平庸和精彩只是一念之差,选择坚强,平民百姓也能活出色彩,相反,达官显贵一样活得苍白。如同自然界的变化多端,生命的小舟也常常会遭遇风暴的袭击而触礁搁浅,那么我们只能选择坚强。引伸到人生这个大课题上来,生活不会一帆风顺,面对各种各样的难题,怎么办?挺起腰、走下去,风雨过后总有艳阳天,不信你看看,雪压霜欺,怒放的花儿更美丽。——编者 Snow pressure cream flowers cheer more beautiful people is what? Between the world a “little me ”. Because of the smallness of personal power and the fragility of life itself, life can change in an instant if it encounters an unexpected blow. Is it a failure or a strong one? Can the ideal ship re-sail to the next harbor? Different people have made different choices and Xu Xiaoxue, Hou Yueli and Zhang Yonghong made excellent responses. In particular, the writer Hou Yueli, the author of “Painting the Life with His Mouth,” is the protagonist of “The Boat of Life” after it touched the reef. She is also a paraplegic peasant woman. Her achievements today are not easy. After the wind and rain, she became more optimistic and strong. She told us with her own personal experience: no one can make him fall if he does not fall. The mediocre and the wonderful are just one difference in opinion. The choice is strong and the common people can live a vivid color. On the contrary, the dignity of dignitaries is as pale as life. As the changing nature of life, life’s boats are often hit by storms and ran aground, then we can only choose strong. Extensions to the big issue of life, life will not be smooth, in the face of a variety of problems, how to do? Stood up, go on, there are always sunny days after the storm, do not believe you look, The flowers are more beautiful. --editor
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