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P2P网络通常基于特定的网络拓扑图。给定静态拓扑图,处理节点加入退出的动态维护机制对P2P网络的性能具有重要影响。Kautz图具有常量度数、低拥塞以及最优网络直径等优良特性,然而,由于动态拓扑维护的复杂性,现有的P2P网络只能够基于以2为基(base)的Kautz图进行构建。针对该问题,面向基于Kautz图的P2P网络的拓扑维护需求,文中提出一种分布式Kautz(distributed Kautz,D-Kautz)图技术。利用D-Kautz图技术,进而提出了一种新颖的P2P网络-SKY,SKY是第一个能够基于以任意大于1的正整数为基的Kautz图进行构建的有效的P2P网络,通过理论分析和模拟实验,对SKY的有效性进行了验证。 P2P networks are usually based on specific network topology. Given a static topology, the dynamic maintenance mechanism for processing nodes joining and exiting has a significant impact on the performance of P2P networks. However, due to the complexity of dynamic topology maintenance, existing P2P networks can only be constructed based on a 2-base Kautz graph. However, Kautz graphs have the advantages of constant metric, low congestion, and optimal network diameter. To solve this problem, a distributed Kautz (D-Kautz) graph technique is proposed for topology maintenance in P2P networks based on Kautz graph. Using D-Kautz graph technique, a new P2P network named SKY is proposed. SKY is the first valid P2P network that can be constructed based on Kautz graph based on a positive integer of any number greater than 1. Through theoretical analysis and Simulation experiments are carried out to verify the effectiveness of SKY.
个案  季琴是市中医院妇产科主任,技术了得,在医院和患者中享有较高的声誉。老公刘国军是农行的网络工程师,业务单纯,跟他内向的性格很合拍。在许多同事朋友眼里,这两口子都是技术能手,薪水高、福利好,日子应该过得开心幸福。其实不然,儿子刘牛让他们的生活充满了无尽的苦恼和烦愁。  刘牛今年11岁,不仅整天沉迷于网络,而且脾气见长,骄蛮懒散。刘国军对刘牛的教育态度是随性,他认为儿子喜欢网络没有什么不好,说不