
来源 :中国社会医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pkpm1
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本成果属于军事医学心理学和军事社会医学领域内的一个开拓性的研究。它以现代健康和新的医学模式为指导,从大卫生观出发,对军队平时生活的社会心理特点及其与军人群体健康的相关性进行了研究。选题新颖,设计周密,抽样合理,样本量大,方法规范,质量控制较好,数据充足可靠,统计处理方法恰当,讨论分析逻辑性好,科学性强,研究者经过大样本、多指标、在广度深度上对平时军事生活的社会心理特点与军人健康的相关性进行了多层次分析。研究历时三年,其规模性、综合性在军内较为突出,其论据、观点具有现代健康观的全面看法,研究水平属军内先进水平。对于军事医学心理学、军事社会医学、军事预防医学的形成和发展是一个可贵的贡献和促进对于质量建军、科学化管理也是一次很好的实践,有利于对军队指战员进行心身健康水平的评估。本研究不仅具有医学保健意义,它对军队高层次指挥和管理部门更具有管理指挥的现实意义,因此它具有军事效益和经济效益。 This achievement belongs to a pioneering study in the fields of military medical psychology and military social medicine. Guided by modern health and new medical models, from the perspective of general health, it studies the social psychological characteristics of the army’s normal life and its correlation with the health of the military population. The topics are novel, well-designed, reasonable sampling, large sample size, standardized methods, good quality control, adequate and reliable data, appropriate statistical processing methods, good logical analysis and scientific analysis, In the breadth and depth of the usual military life on the social psychological characteristics and military health related to a multi-level analysis. The study lasts for three years and its scale and comprehensiveness are more prominent in the military. Its arguments and views have a comprehensive view of the modern concept of health and the research level is advanced in the military. It is also a good practice for military medical psychology, military social medicine and military preventive medicine to form and develop, and it is also a good practice for establishing an army of quality and scientific management, which is conducive to assessing the mental and physical health of military officers and soldiers . This study not only has the meaning of medical care, but also has practical significance to the high-level command and management of the military. Therefore, it has military and economic benefits.
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近年来,随国际形势的变化,各国普遍感到无须再保持冷战时期军队的规模,都开始把军队质量建设作为一项战略任务,强调建立一支规模适当,应变能力和作战能力很强的现代 In rec