Pediatrics in our hospital from January 1963 to December only, a total of 86 cases of acute nephritis, 46 males and 40 females. Among them, 3 cases were within 2 years old, 23 cases were from 2 to 5 years old, 48 cases were from 5 to 10 years old and 12 cases were from 10 to 12 years old. The smallest case is 13 months. This group has a 4 cases and two 3 cases of simultaneous onset. In addition to January, every month there are cases found in autumn as much as winter followed. The group of precursors to impetigo as the most (40 cases), the majority of the scab or near the end of the disease, usually occurs in 2 to 4 weeks after impetigo acute nephritis; upper respiratory tract infection and tonsillitis followed, Each of 12 cases. The main complaint at admission was edema (83 cases), accompanied by