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糖尿病属祖国医学消渴证的范畴。中医治疗消渴证,历史悠久,经验丰富。根据方书记载,概括其治疗原则为生津清热,润燥养阴;滋补肾脏;清泄阳明等法。近代医家遵循古人治疗消渴证的基本原则,应用中医中药治疗糖尿病取得了显著疗效。但消渴证范围较广,立方繁多,是否对糖尿病都有效,则是需要研究的问题。本文在众多的消渴方中,从不同的历史年代选择了五个代表方,进行了实验观察,现将对小白鼠正常血糖水平的影响,小结于后。 Diabetes belongs to the category of Chinese medicine in the country. Chinese medicine treatment of thirst cards has a long history and rich experience. According to the records in the book, the principle of treatment is summarized as Sheng Jin Qingre, moisturizing and nourishing yin; nourishing the kidneys; clearing and expelling Yangming and other methods. Medical doctors in modern times followed the basic principles of ancient people’s treatment of thirst-quenching cards, and the use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes has achieved significant results. However, the scope of the thirst-quenching card is wider and more cubic, and whether it is effective for diabetes is a problem that needs to be studied. In this article, among the many diabetes consumers, five representatives have been selected from different historical years, and experimental observations have been conducted. The effect of normal blood glucose levels in mice will now be summarized.
<正> 西洋参又名洋参、花旗参、广东人参,为五加科植物西洋参(Panax quinquefoliumL)的干燥根。本品历代本草未见记载。赵学敏编入本草纲目拾遗草部,在《药性考》中记载:洋参