一、期刊的重要性及其期刊工作存在的问题 随着科学技术的发展,期刊以其内容广泛、信息量大、出版周期短而且吸引着众多读者。期刊的数量和论文的数量急剧增加,论文数量差不多每隔十五年就要翻一番。目前,全世界期刊种类已达40多万种,国内定期期刊有6000余种,至于不定期期刊就不尽其数了。人们如此重视期刊,是因为期刊含有各学科的新成就,是庞大的信息传递网络。据统计,科技工作者取得的科技情报的70%来自期刊。 如此浩瀚的期刊资源,一方面给人们传递信息、交流知识创造了良好的条件;另一方面,也带来了利用率低,文献资源浪费的矛盾,在图书情报部门,特别是高等学校中,长期受“重书轻刊”传统观念的影响,众多的图书馆收藏的文献主体是图书,而期刊则是一种辅助性的收藏品,因此对期刊重要性的认识,各级管理水平的高低,利用效益的大小,发展是不平衡的,甚至差距很大,即使在图书馆专业杂志中,研究期刊工作,宣传报道利用效益的论文也是极少的。很多读者不会利用检索工具查检资料,而是通过多种期刊的浏
First, the importance of journals and the problems of their journal work With the development of science and technology, journals with its wide range of content, large amount of information, the publication cycle is short and attracts many readers. The number of journals and the number of papers has dramatically increased, and the number of papers almost doubled every fifteen years. At present, there are more than 400,000 kinds of journals in the world and more than 6,000 kinds of periodical journals in China. As for non-periodical journals, there are not so many kinds of journals. People pay so much attention to journals because journals contain new achievements in various disciplines and are huge networks of information transmission. According to statistics, 70% of the scientific and technological information obtained by scientists and technicians comes from periodicals. On the other hand, it also brings about the contradiction of low utilization rate and waste of document resources. In the LIS, especially in higher education institutions, Long been influenced by the traditional conception of “Redissue” and “Light of Redissue”, the main body of literature for many collections is books, while periodicals are supplementary collections. Therefore, , The use of the benefits of the size of the development is not balanced, or even a great gap, even in the library of professional journals, research journals, the effectiveness of publicity reported the use of papers is minimal. Many readers will not use the search tool to check the information, but through a variety of journals