临床应用氯霉素应该注意的问题如下: 1.过敏反应:它引起的皮疹有全身性的,如猩红热样皮疹、荨麻疹、过敏性紫癜,停药后可以消失,再服氯霉素还可再现。偶尔也可引起光感性皮炎,暴露在日光下的皮肤发生红肿热痛、水泡及渗液等。有的眼睑、额部皮肤、结膜接触了0.25%氯霉素眼药水,会出现肿胀,逐渐发生红色丘疹、结膜充血等反应。 2.一般反应:大剂量长期服用氯霉素,可以引起食欲不振、腹胀、腹泻、恶心呕吐,口腔粘膜充血、疼痛、糜烂,口角炎,舌炎,肛门发红裂开、并出现浆
Clinical application of chloramphenicol should pay attention to the following issues: 1. Allergic reactions: It rashes caused by systemic, such as scarlet fever-like rash, urticaria, allergic purpura, withdrawal can disappear, and then serving chloramphenicol can Reproduce. Occasionally can also cause light-sensitive dermatitis, sun exposure to the skin swelling and pain, blisters and exudate. Some eyelids, forehead skin, conjunctiva exposure to 0.25% chloramphenicol eye drops, there will be swelling, and gradually red papules, conjunctival hyperemia and other reactions. 2. General reaction: Chloramphenicol at high doses can cause loss of appetite, bloating, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, oral mucosal hyperemia, pain, erosion, angular cheilitis, glossitis, anal redness, and the emergence of pulp