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中美姓名差异大中国人和美国人看起来都有姓有名,但姓名的含义却大不相同,从中也折射出中西文化的不同。美国人的姓名是由第一名、中间名以及姓氏三部分组成的。第一名又称教名,是受到法律承认的正式名字;中间名则是由喜爱孩子的父母或亲人起的昵称,常常用缩写来表示,代表本人和亲属之间的关系,不过法律是不承认中间名的,它有些类似于中国人的“小名”;最后的姓氏则是由家族世代相传的。 Differences in Names Between China and the United States Both Chinese and Americans seem to have surnames and surnames, but their names have very different meanings. They also reflect the differences between Chinese and Western cultures. The names of Americans are composed of first, middle and last names. The first name, also known as teaching name, is the official name recognized by law; the middle name is a nickname from a loved one’s parents or loved ones, often abbreviated to represent the relationship between himself and his relatives, but the law is not Recognition of the middle name, it is somewhat similar to the Chinese “nickname ”; the last name is passed on from generation to generation by the family.
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