唐岗水库是一座防洪、灌溉等综合利用的中型水库,为均质土坝。大坝主坝设计为粘土心墙坝,坝顶高程122.50 m左右,最大坝高15.50 m,坝长375 m,坝顶宽度约6.50 m。主要存在坝填土填筑质量整体较差、坝基渗漏及黄土状土湿陷等问题,文章针对水库存在的工程地质问题进行分析、评价,对水库加固设计、施工具有指导作用。
Tanggang Reservoir is a flood control, irrigation and other comprehensive utilization of medium-sized reservoirs, homogeneous soil dam. The main dam of the dam is designed as a clay core wall dam with an elevation of about 122.50 m, a maximum dam height of 15.50 m, a dam length of 375 m and a crest width of about 6.50 m. The main problems are the poor quality of the filling of embankment, the seepage of the dam foundation and the loess-like soil collapses. The article analyzes and evaluates the engineering geological problems existing in the reservoir and plays a guiding role in the reinforcement design and construction of the reservoir.