捂闷综合征是寒冷季节儿科常见急征之一。我科自1987~1993年共收治本病105例,其中并发成人型呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)17例,现报告如下。 一、临床资料 1.一般资料 男12例,女5例。~1月2例,~3月10例,~5月5例。发病均在冬春寒冷季节。除2例外都在夜间熟睡时起病。起病前均有蒙被缺氧或衣被过暖史。常以突发拒奶、不哭为主诉而就诊。 2.临床表现 全部病例均有一过性高热后体温不升,昏迷、面色苍灰、眼窝内陷、角膜干燥、口唇甲床紫
Cover stuffy stuffy syndrome is one of the common acute symptoms of pediatric cold season. Our department from 1987 to 1993 were treated 105 cases of this disease, of which 17 cases of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), are as follows. First, the clinical data 1. General information of 12 males and 5 females. ~ January 2 cases, ~ March 10 cases, ~ May 5 cases. Incidence are in winter and spring cold season. In addition to 2 exceptions are sleeping at night onset. Premorbid monkeys were hypoxia or clothing overheating history. Often sudden refusal to milk, do not cry for the main complaint and treatment. 2. Clinical manifestations of all cases have transient hyperthermia after the body temperature does not rise, coma, pale gray, orbital retraction, corneal dry, lips and nail bed purple