The authors of this paper combined electron microscopy and peroxidase cytochemistry to analyze various pathological features of an acute myeloid leukemia patient. Its pathological features are the formation of auricular bodies (Auer) in the primitive leukemia and promyelocytes, and the presence of auriculoresome and “leaked leukemia” in mature polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). Abnormal enzyme concentration and granule formation in patients with abnormal promyelocytic cells were observed from the bone marrow and blood before treatment. (1) The concentration of peroxidase in the Golgi pool was lower than normal; (2) A large amount of hyperperoxidation was observed. Enzymatically active vesicles, which may be shrunk from the roughened endoplasmic reticulum, aggregated into large austenitic bodies through Golgi pools, or from Golgi bubbles, and further concentrated; (3)