
来源 :韩国研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guiminzhu18
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本文考察了近16年中国学术界对于清朝与朝鲜关系史的研究状况。从中国学术界所关心的主题来看,一是对清入关前与朝鲜关系的研究,尤其是对皇太极时期清鲜交涉与战争的研究;二是对入关后清对朝鲜政策行为的研究;三是对朝鲜处理与清朝关系的思想观念之研究;四是对《燕行录》与清鲜之间文化交流的研究;五是对清代中朝两国边境事务,尤其是国界事务的研究;六是对近代清鲜关系转型时期重要人物,如李鸿章、袁世凯等人的研究。本文认为,现有研究所存在的薄弱之处和应致力方向应当包括:一是对清朝中期与朝鲜之间政治关系的研究;二是对晚清与朝鲜政治关系变化进程的研究,应从人物层面转为体制变通层面做出具体的考察;三是对晚清时期与朝鲜之间文化交流的研究;四是对清鲜之间的海上贸易和商民入境贸易研究;五是对宗藩体制之下两国围绕边境事务的交涉与合作问题研究;六是对资料的整理和两国关系史实的考订。 This article examines the recent 16 years of Chinese academia for the study of the history of the Qing Dynasty and North Korea. From the perspectives of Chinese academia, the first one is the study of the relationship between Qing Dynasty and the DPRK, especially the study of imperial clashes and wars in the period of Emperor Taiji; the second is the study of the Qing policy toward North Korea after the handover; The third is the study of North Korea’s concept of dealing with the Qing Dynasty; the fourth is the study of the cultural exchange between Yan Xing Lu and Qing Xian; the fifth is the study of the border affairs of the two countries in Qing Dynasty, especially the national affairs Sixth, the study of important people in the transition period of modern fresh relations, such as Li Hongzhang and Yuan Shikai. This paper argues that the existing weaknesses and dedication should include: first, the study of the political relations between the mid-Qing Dynasty and North Korea; second, the study of the process of the political relations between the late Qing Dynasty and North Korea should be conducted from the perspective of the characters The third is to study the cultural exchange between the late Qing Dynasty and North Korea; the fourth is to study the trade between fresh sea and merchant immigrants; the fifth is to study the relationship between the suzerainty system Under the two countries on border affairs negotiations and cooperation issues; Sixth, organize the data and historical facts of the relationship between the two countries.
李朝建国伊始,即"雅重文籍",借编撰法典、本朝实录[History of the Royal Dynasty(Wangio shillok)]和前朝历史,使儒家之政治理念化为本朝建国之准绳和人们的行动规范。前期,