临床资料患者,女,63岁。胸闷、气促、心前区不适反复发作10余年,加重1个月入院。查体:血压126/85 mm Hg,脉搏70次/分,心前区无隆起,心率70次/分,心律整齐,心前区可闻及2/6级收缩期杂音。心电图正常。超声心动图提示:右心室腔内见有大小5.10 cm×3.50 cm的回声实性团块,附着于右室侧壁上方靠近三尖瓣根部,回声均匀,形态规则,随心动周期轻微摆动。心脏增强CT示:右心室内见充盈缺损区,大小为3.55 cm×3.87 cm,延至肺动脉主干。右肺下动
Clinical data, female, 63 years old. Chest tightness, shortness of breath, precordial discomfort recurrent more than 10 years, increased 1 month admission. Physical examination: blood pressure 126/85 mm Hg, pulse 70 beats / min, no anterior bulging, heart rate 70 beats / min, regular heart rhythm, precordial area can be heard and 2/6 systolic murmur. Normal ECG. Echocardiography Tip: Right ventricular cavity see the size of 5.10 cm × 3.50 cm echo solid mass, attached to the right ventricular wall above the tricuspid root near the root, uniform echo, the rules of shape, slightly swinging with the cardiac cycle. Cardiac enhanced CT showed: see the right ventricular filling defect area, the size of 3.55 cm × 3.87 cm, extending to the main pulmonary artery. Right lung movement