2蜂蜜沟类地名2.1桦甸蜂蜜沟子。位于吉林省桦甸市夹皮沟镇北 ,是二道沟的一条支沟 ,长2km。据考证蜂蜜沟子为松花江上游地区 ,系古代盛产蜜蜡的女真国辖地。至今附近山区仍有野生中蜂和桶养中蜂。自清朝以来这里是东北闻名的高产金矿。可谓是先盛产蜂蜜后盛产黄金[9
2 honey ditch class names 2.1 Huadian honey ditch. It is located in the north of Jiapigou Town in Huadian City, Jilin Province, and is a branch ditch of Erdaogou with a length of 2km. According to research honey ditch for the upper reaches of the Songhua River area, the ancient rich beeswax really Jurisdiction. To date, there are still wild bees and buckets in the mountains. Here is the famous high-yielding gold mine in northeast China since the Qing Dynasty. It is rich in gold first rich in gold [9