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档案在长期保管过程中,由于受到氧化及不适宜的温度、湿度、灰尘、菌害等不利影响,其制成材料(纸张、字迹等)将逐渐损伤,加上经常利用受到的机械磨损,使档案的“寿命”更日趋缩短。经典型调查得知:我馆保管的档案,目前其字迹模糊、扩散、褪色的,已占总数百分之九点六(复写、打字文件最严重),纸张酥脆、霉烂、破损的约近四十万张。为了使档案能长时期为党和国家各项事业服务,必须积极设法维护和修复。在加强调节档案库房温湿度、消灭虫菌危害、防尘除尘及复制裱糊各项工作的同时,近年来有关单位正在研究对档案纸张字迹“加固”的技术,对我们理解和研究这个问题很有帮助和启发,下面介绍我们探索的情况。 Archives in the long-term custody process, due to oxidation and inappropriate temperature, humidity, dust, bacteria and other adverse effects, the materials made of (paper, writing, etc.) will gradually damage, coupled with regular use of mechanical wear and tear, so that File “life” is more and more shortened. According to the classic survey, the archives kept by our museum are currently fuzzy, diffuse and faded, accounting for 9.6% of the total (duplicating and typewriting is the worst), crisp, rotten and damaged paper Four hundred thousand. In order to enable the archives to serve the party and the country in various fields for a long period of time, we must actively try to maintain and repair it. In the meantime, the relevant units are studying the technology of “reinforcing” the handwriting of archives and paperwork in the fields of strengthening the regulation of the temperature and humidity of the archive warehouse, eliminating the hazards of insects, dust and dust removal, and duplicating the paperwork. In recent years, Help and inspiration, here we explore the situation.
Objective:To investigate differences between peripheral idiopathic and central sixth nerve palsies from brainstem damage by comparing peak velocities and durati
一听到放假,我的眼前就会浮现出咱家那台电脑,电脑上动感的游戏画面令我向往,它们都像是磁铁,把我这没有“抑制力”的“回形针”给牢牢地吸住了,所以一听到老师说明天要放假,我就情不自禁地高喊:“耶!终于放假喽!电脑,我来啦!!!”  可是,这一次放假与以前截然不同,显得有些无聊啊!如果大家能够看到现在的我百无聊赖地在客厅里踱来踱去,就知道这无聊的程度有多深了。  如果你们现在问我为什么不玩电脑来打发时间
CALIBER DESIGNATIONS口径标志(或表示枪弹类别), in the U. S. as well as in countries using the metric system(公制), describe a cartridge,but some Caliber designa
随着圆明园的毁灭,中华帝国的文化象征化为灰烬,集仰慕者和抢劫者于一身的法国人将意象中的圆明园变成了历史传奇。但对于大部分的法兰西人而言,它已经退化为《小罗伯尔词典》里一个符号式的词条。    从十八世纪开始,法兰西人一直做着一个梦。  这个梦叫做圆明园。  “这梦幻奇景是用大理石、汉白玉、青铜和瓷器建成,雪松木做梁,以宝石点缀,用丝绸覆盖;祭台、闺房、城堡分布其中,诸神众鬼就位于内;彩釉熠熠,金碧
一,80年前的“奉安大典”1924年底,孙中山应冯玉祥邀请,冒险北上,试图为实现国家统一寻找出路。不料肝病突发,治疗无效,于1925年3月12日在北京逝世。 First, 80 years ago,